Have Fun and feel great doing so!

Laughter Sessions

Take some time out to de-stress and boost team morale with a laughter session presented by Spaceman.

Laughter is a fun and safe exercise ideal for connecting people and teams, providing improved mental health, less stress and a boost in morale.

Book a laughter session at your next conference, workshop, professional development day, or team building exercise. Based in Canberra or online.

Benefits Of Laughter Yoga

Good Mood

More Laughter

Change your mood within minutes by releasing endorphins from your brain cells.

Reduce Stress

With healthy exercise

Increase your heart rate and blood circulation to relax your muscles.


Strengthens the immune system

Laughter lowers the levels of stress hormones and increases immune cells and antibodies that combat infections, thus improving the body’s ability to ward off disease.

Social Connection

Improve your relationships

Laughter is a great connector of people and brings quality caring and sharing amongst friends.

Positive Attitude

In Challenging times

Laughter helps to create a positive mental attitude to deal with negative situations and people.

Spaceman Africa

In 2002, after way too many drinks on an adventurous holiday in Ireland, Spaceman Africa decided to change his name legally.

In 2008, upon accepting that he had a drinking problem, Spaceman found the courage and determination to make a major decision which turned his life around on a personal and professional level. He stopped drinking. As a recovered alcoholic, Spaceman mastered the art of overcoming adversity and reinvented himself. While searching for activities that bring happiness and good health, he found Laughter Yoga…

  • It’s fun and easy

    No skills to learn
  • No equipment required

    No special clothes or shoes
  • You are an expert

    From the first session

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